Our Connections
It has been a defining year, one of trials, challenges, and changes, but these have led to amazing stories of strength, resilience, and support. They have also made one thing clear, that it is the people of Ontario’s Highlands – their faces, stories, and experiences – that are backbone to this region and what makes us stand apart from the rest.
In 2021, we set out to meet the people and discover their stories and special connections, whether it be with the land, water, people, food, music, or wild spaces. Born from this journey is The Connections Series, a documentary series showcasing the stories of the people who live here.
We invite you to follow along with each episode and reconnect with what you think is most special about this place we call home. Then go wander and rediscover local.
Episode 1: Connected to Water
“The river is where I'm my best self. It doesn't care who I'm pretending to be.”
Stefi Van Wijk, Avid Paddler
Episode 2: Connected to Music
“In every season, Haliburton is inspiring—it's the perfect setting for creativity.”
Nick and Benton, Musicians
Episode 3: Connected to Land
“It's deepened my connection to the land, through my ancestors and through traditional practices.”
Amber Hein, Tradition Hide Tanner
Episode 4: Connected to Food
“Food brings people together..the experience of dining makes people happy, way beyond the food.”
Ian Carswell, Chef
Episode 5: Connected to People
“There needs to be a space where people can come and be themselves.”
Ro Nwosu, Yogi
Episode 6: Connected to Winter
“When you go outside...you forget about all that stuff that's polluting your mind.”
Andrew Twigg, Winter Camper
Episode 7: Connected to Wild Spaces
“What's really unique about getting out in these environments is that they're wild.”
Lorne Foisy, Ice Climber