Hastings County
The deep lakes and meandering rivers in Hastings County are ripe with life, both on land and in the water. This land is known as a region rich with minerals, and we haven’t forgotten how our communities were settled by the gold rush, where miners flocked, eager to delve into the earth to unearth its riches. Thick forests, lakes teeming with fish and hidden swimming holes create an authentic summer getaway for us to enjoy.
If we could see it from above, we’d see Hastings County as a patchwork of forests mixed with pastures, glades, and winding waterways. Here, growers put their heart and soul into producing delicious offerings for us to savour.
Rivers of all paths and directions snake their way across the countryside here. The mighty Madawaska River dominates the landscape, shaping waterfront communities and contributing to our culture. Watch as the current pushes millions of litres of water through the countryside. Wide and majestic, the Madawaska invites us to get wet and meet adventure head on.

Winter Camping under the Full Moon at Silent Lake
Yurt camping is a magical and frosty experience

Carving Her Course on the Madawaska: Stefi Van Wijk
For Stefi Van Wijk, finding her way to the water was a route that wasn't always clear.
Local Wanderers

Wander Sustainably
Hastings County is a large space crisscrossed with highways and byways. Slow down and make sure you don't miss anything.
Visit the Hastings County tourism website to learn more about the region before heading out.
Don't rely on Google maps to orient you in this region of patchy cellular reception. Orient yourself before heading out on the road.