Sustainable Tourism
These days we are all talking about sustainability and how we can be more responsible as we explore our natural spaces and communities. Responsible tourism is an approach to tourism that focuses on supporting and growing the community and culture, while protecting the environment and its ecosystems.
#WanderSustainably means thinking about what kind of an impact our travel has on a region, both on the ecology and local peoples. It means being respectful of oneself, others, and nature, and consciously seeking out experience providers who care about how they impact their community and environment.
As you wander Ontario's Highlands, know that you are welcomed with open arms! We love showcasing our region and the tourism assets we have here, from natural spaces to local businesses and events. As you explore our website keep watch for Wander Sustainably tips with useful reminders of how to be a good wanderer and bring out the best in all of us.
Please remember to be safe, considerate, and savour each moment of your journey.

7 Eco-friendly Ontario Retreats for the Environmentally Conscious
Walking the talk of sustainability in Ontario's Highlands.

Connecting to the Land and Algonquin History: Amber Hein
Amber Hein is connecting with the land and her Indigenous heritage in Ontario's Highlands.

Sustainable Tourism in Ontario's Highlands

Wander Sustainably
Take the time to learn about a region before heading out, so you will be familiar with the customs, culture, and expectations for your visit.
In all-natural spaces please leave no trace of your visit. Leave nothing but footprints; take nothing but memories.
Be safe by following safety messaging for the experiences you have here.

The tourism region called “Ontario’s Highlands” is on traditional Algonquin territory and is acknowledged by Indigenous Peoples as unceded. To the southeast, Ontario’s Highlands is also on Mohawk territory. To the west/southwest, Ontario’s Highlands is on Ojibwe territory. We are grateful that Indigenous Peoples have been stewards of this land and beyond from time immemorial. We are called to treat this land, its waterways, plants, animals, stories and its Peoples, with honour and respect. All my relations.